Did you know startups with a mentor typically perform 3x better than those without one?Success on chalkboard

This is because a mentor can:

  • validate your ideas
  • help you strategize
  • provide feedback
  • create networking opportunities
  • guide your focus
  • tune your pitch
  • develop your social media marketing skills
  • support you as your business develops and grows

Of course the best option for this is a friend or family member who’s found success in business. Unfortunately, not everyone knows someone like this. Alternatively, though some of us know folks like this, these folks don’t always have our best interest at heart.

I want to see you succeed.

Yes, me. A person you’ve possibly never met before wants to see you succeed. Why? Because I know exactly what you’re going through. If you’re here, it’s because you truly want to get your business off the ground and you don’t know how.

I was once you. I didn’t know how to start a business and I didn’t know anyone who could help me achieve my goals of business ownership. Not only that, plenty of people thought my ideas were stupid or too risky. First, I learned to ignore those people. Then, I learned to put together methods from what I did have: tv, books, classes, conferences, support people who cared about me, and guidance from those who could provide it. I compiled all the information I learned from these sources, until I found success.

I want you to be successful because I want to give back to folks like myself. Folks who keep trying to achieve their goals of business ownership, even when others doubt them. I want to help you start or grow your business with my Start-up Mentor Program.

What you’ll get:

  • Exclusive access to forum built specifically for the entrepreneurial at heart
  • Unlimited answers to your business questions from me
  • Access to other start-ups


  • discounts on webinars, where you can receive business advice from me, live!

This program is designed to help you, no matter what stage your business is in. Click here to sign up!

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