Hey all,


I am JaemiO, your personal marketing coach here at Mom and Pop Marketing. JaemiO

I have been working for myself since I was five years old. Nope, I’m not kidding. I started my first real business, in Kindergarten making about $200 a month. I have learned quite a bit about owning, running, and most importantly marketing businesses over the years, through success and failure.


My most successful ventures have all been possible thanks to understanding how to make the Internet work for me.

I started my first Internet based business with no experience, no training, and nobody to ask for help. Additionally, I had no money. I was a kid on my way to my first year in college, seeking a degree in chemistry. What I knew about computers, I’d taught myself.


I did, however, have big dreams and the confidence that this thing could work.

I had a friend in middle school who taught himself how to code websites and program video games. He had no formal training. By the time we were promoted from middle school to high school, he was making four figures a month. If he could do that, so could I.


The Internet is the biggest growing platform for business out there, all I needed to do was learn how to use it to my advantage.


My first few web based ventures didn’t go so well. I lost money on some and broke even others. Why? I didn’t have the slightest idea of what I was doing and I wasn’t consistent.

About midway through, I started gaining some traction, just not in the way I expected to.

Food is my passion. Therefore, I created a website built around this. This led to me gaining a newspaper column at my Alma mater, speaking gigs, and cooking demonstrations. I even had my own merchandise! None of this was what I expected, and I was not upset about it either. Still, I wanted to create an income stream that involved less of me having to be physically present somewhere to earn a living. That’s when I found Wealthy Affiliate, the system I wish I had all along.


I started on Wealthy Affiliate with a free Starter membership, which you can also register for here. There, I was able to:

  • learn how to effectively build a reliable income online
  • network with others who have found success online
  • build two free websites
  • offer my assistance to others once in the areas I excelled
  • gain unlimited access to a system that works for creating an income online

Wealthy Affiliate didn’t teach me how to just earn some income. It taught me how to earn a how to earn ,a reliable living wage.

I have learned much over the years in the world of Internet business. The most important being, there are tons of scams, it is hard to teach yourself how to effectively manage an Internet based business, and when applied properly the right tools can earn you more than a living. They can allow you to start living.

Two decades post Kindergarten, and my life is nothing like I thought it would be. I am an entrepreneur both on an offline. The skills I’ve learned online, though, are what fuel my success. Marketing is key. If you allow me, I will teach you the most effective ways to market your new or existing business online, so you can reap the benefits offline.

Once again I am JaemiO. It is great to meet you and I hope you find this site useful. If you ever need anything, feel free to leave a comment below. You can also reach me via Wealthy Affiliate on my personal profile (here’s the link).


Looking forward to your success!

