Looking for a better marketing strategy for your new or existing business?Marketing Scrabble Tiles

If you answered yes, you’ll definitely want to read the rest of this page. I will be sharing and showing you how you can better the marketing strategy for your business today.

The Internet can be a scary place, especially to small business owners. You don’t want to and can’t afford to get scammed. However, YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST either be able to use the Internet to market your business or be willing to pay someone to do this for you. And paying for it isn’t cheap. Luckily, web marketing doesn’t have to be difficult or time consuming.

This is why I created Mom and Pop Marketing

I want to help you effectively and easily market your business online without spending unnecessary funds.

I taught myself how to program websites the summer leading into my freshman year of college. Myspace was still popular back then, and I wanted to be able to customize my profile background. One simple goal, turned into quite a hobby. By the end of the summer, I had learned how to code and built two websites. Not bad for a self-taught programmer.

I created several sites during my college years and even taught myself how to build Android apps by my senior year in college. All of this was fun (at least to me), and it could make me some extra money to pay off those student loans.

I started building apps and websites for local business and nonprofit organizations. I wasn’t trying to get rich, just earn an extra income. I charged a flat rate of $100 for nonprofits. Businesses weren’t so lucky.

A good website can easily cost you $10,000, just to be built. That includes no maintenance. What’s worse, it doesn’t even guarantee anyone will be able to even find your website in a search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. It simply means you own a little piece of hopefully well-designed space on the internet that someone could visit IF they have your correct web address. An app can cost 10x more.

Knowing this, I created affordable packages for business owners, charging $600 for a basic website or app with yearly maintenance. This ensured the business owner a well designed website they could call their own. That was it, and honestly that’s all most business owners want. While a valid method, this is a huge web marketing mistake.

Websites don’t market themselves.

Websites need to be engaging and the best way to make them that way, is by building it yourself. Even for my most premium business packages, the websites were never going to display the compassion the business owner had for their business because I did not own their business. I can never display the love and joy the owner feels for their business, no matter how hard I try. This is why business owners need to build their own sites and take charge of their web marketing strategy. Only the owner can market their business the best it can be.

What’s stopping you from taking charge of your web marketing strategy?

Is it fear?

Is it time?

Have other web marketing strategies not worked for you and your business?

What’s holding you back from leading the web marketing strategy for your business? I would love to to learn why you haven’t acheived success thus far, so please leave a comment below. It will help me to better serve you and other folks here on my site.

Maybe you haven’t been successful with your web marketing strategy because you lack the key tools to an effective marketing strategy. As an entrepreneur, I understand most business owners don’t have time to market their businesses themselves; much less to learn code and spend hours a day tending to a website.

It took me two months to learn how to build that Myspace background. It took me four months to learn how to build a website. It was two more years before that website even looked like something a customer would want to visit, and I was considered a fast learner.

It took me two minutes to learn how to build this site.

A successful web marketing strategy only requires THREE things…

If you have not read about how I became an entrepreneur, you can read about it here. I have been involved in business ownership since 1995 and web marketing since 2008. Over the years, I have realized there are several ways to achieve a successful marketing strategy. I’ve also noticed there are three common things all businesses with successful marketing strategies have in common:

1.) They have help

If you’re like me, you like to do as much as you can on your own to save money. There are times, though, when you don’t know how to do something. If you only depend on yourself, you’ll become stuck.

Where is the best place to receive guidance?


2.) They Have a Website

No website = limited success. Period. If you’re trying to create a marketing strategy without your own website, you are going to have limited success. VERY LIMITED SUCCESS.

Worried? Don’t be.

Building a website today is very easy. A few minutes from now, you can have your very own website for your business up and running on the web. Seriously, in minutes and for free.

Almost 10 years after I taught myself to code, I found a system that actually successfully trains business owners how to effectively market their business online. From webdesign to social media marketing (another essential to successful web marketing that can cost up to $1,000/month), this system works to effectively and efficiently train business owners or soon-to-be business owners how to build their internet presence. And I got started for free.

3.) They Constantly Learn and Practice Properly

It’s very simple: without learning you can’t do. When I graduated from college, I wanted to learn how to operate our family business beyond the cashier counter. My dad helped me transition from employee to co-owner. He made the process easier than what he experienced, which was teaching himself. His support and guidance helped me

  • through training to do the things he did to care for our store
  • through self motivation to want to be a more effective and efficient owner
  • to naturally want to do more with the information I was learning

Think of this through the perspective of baseball. Do you think Hank Aaron thought about the mechanics of his hits every time he scored a home run? No. He practiced until he was able to score a home run naturally.

That is what will happen when you are trained and practice properly.

Start with $0…

You are probably starting to notice two things about me:

  1. I love saving money whenever I can
  2. I believe a successful marketing strategy requires help, a website, and training

When you sign-up for $0, you will receive

  • Personalized Help and Support
    • Ability to get personal help from me (my username is JaemiO)
    • Help from a community of tens of thousands of users
    • Live Chat support
    • Ongoing relevant topical discussions
  • Two Free Websites
    • Fully Functional, attractive WordPress Sites
    • Ready to market your business(es)
    • Ready to make money online
  • Unlimited Training
    • Tutorials
    • Courses
    • Video Tutorials
    • Classrooms

You get all of this without spending a dime. $0. You don’t even have to provide any credit card information. I didn’t believe it, until I tried it. Now I am more than happy I did. The sites I’ve created via this platform far exceed anything I’ve ever used for web marketing, or any type of marketing, really. There is a Premium option I strongly recommend, that will give you access to MUCH MORE.

As shown in the picture below, choosing the “Starter, $0/month” option will instantly give you access to the community after completing your sign-up details.

If you have any questions about getting started, I would love to help! Simply leave them below!